I'm not sure about you, but I could NOT wait to go see the live action remake of Disney's Beauty And The Beast as soon as it came out. Being a die hard Harry Potter fan, I was so pumped to see Emma Watson reprise the role of my second fav Disney keep reading...
More is More: Why Minimalism Sucks
It's pretty much impossible to flip open a design magazine, browse Pinterest, or pop into Target without the minimalism manifesto taking center stage. With the rise of tiny homes, micro apartments, and Scandinavian style (covered in succulents), keep reading...
How The Vintage Vanity Became The Modern Makeup Table
There is something so implicitly glamorous about a vintage vanity. Without fail, it always has me picturing a 1930's film starlet. You know, all wrapped in a feather boa, primping under a lighted makeup mirror . Because Vanity is about pride in keep reading...