Spring is here, and it’s the perfect time to declutter, reorganize, and refresh your living space!
I don’t know about you, but there is nothing that inspires me to tackle my to-do list like the smell of fresh spring air!
With the sunshine streaming in and a feeling of new beginnings, so many of us feel inspired to tackle reorganizing project with our spring cleaning!
That’s why we’ve gathered expert advice from five professional organizers to help you make the most of your spring cleaning and reorganizing projects.
Here’s what the pro’s have to stay on how to make the biggest impact on your home this spring!
Tip #1. Start Small with a Timer
“My biggest recommendation is to start small. Choose one space (even if it’s just a drawer) and start a timer for 20 minutes.“
Jen Robin, founder & CEO of Life in Jeneral, says:
“I think we have all felt the overwhelming pressure to declutter or clean when Spring rolls around. My biggest recommendation is to start small. Choose one space (even if it’s just a drawer) and start a timer for 20 minutes. Within those 20 minutes, go through the space’s belongings, edit out anything that is no longer serving you, sort the items into categories that make sense for your space, and replace everything in a way where items are separated and accessible. You’ll truly be amazed by the impact one small space can have on you.”
Jen Robin is the mastermind behind Life in Jeneral, a full-service organizational design company, and LIJ Spaces, a custom cabinetry line. She has a background as a celebrity executive assistant, where she honed her skills in organizing, time management, and efficient systems.
“Add something lovely to your space like a houseplant, freshly clipped flowers from the garden, or a scented candle.“
Shira Gill, organizing expert and author says:
“Spring cleaning your entire house can feel like a daunting task, but there are plenty of little things you can do that will make a BIG difference.
Try cleaning a single surface like your nightstand, dresser, or dining room table. Spruce your entryway by relocating the bulky winter coats and seasonal accessories. Ditch any expired products that are cluttering up your bathroom or medicine cabinet. Relocate any household items that have lost their way.
Little wins feel like a victory when you’re short on time – clean out your wallet, handbag, glove compartment, junk drawer, or medicine cabinet. Take fifteen minutes to dust or vacuum the most offensive corners or crevices of your home (we all have them!). Add something lovely to your space like a houseplant, freshly clipped flowers from the garden, or a scented candle.
A little effort will go a long way in making your space feel more cared for and comfortable.”
Shira Gill is an organizing expert and author of Minimalista and Organized Living (coming this fall!). She specializes in helping people create organized and intentional spaces in their homes.
Tip #3. Pick a Percentage Rule
“Choose a percentage of stuff to declutter around your house and stick to that percentage number for each space. If your number is 25%, then declutter 25% of your kitchen, cabinet by cabinet!“
Katrina Teeple, founder of Operation Organization says:
“Spring is upon us! What better time to spring into action and combat the clutter that has been building up around your house. Spring cleaning should be accompanied by spring organizing.
I tell my clients “The more stuff you have, the more stuff you have to manage!” I recommend starting with the decluttering.
Don’t over think an organizing project. Overthinking leads to over planning and stops you from taking action. Start with my pick a percentage rule! Choose a percentage of stuff to declutter around your house and stick to that percentage number for each space. If your number is 25%, then declutter 25% of your kitchen, cabinet by cabinet! Giving yourself a percentage is motivating, and sets a visual goal to work towards.
When it comes to organizing, focus on drop zones first. Tackle high-traffic areas that have become visually messy and set up micro systems like a key hook, a wall mounted bin for mail and some sock & shoe baskets by the door for kids. Starting with drop zones gives you some instant gratification to stay motivated to do more.”
Katrina Teeple is the Founder & CEO of Operation Organization, a professional organizing company with locations in Los Angeles & Dallas. With 20 years of experience, she helps both Fortune 500 companies and Hollywood A-listers get organized.
Tip #4. Use the Pomodoro Technique and Ask for Help
“Get family involved, hire help, never be ashamed! I love making lists, I then take those list and see who I can get to help and to delegate.“
Ryen Toft, founder of Simply Luxe, says:
“I always recommend to start small, use the Pomodoro technique and set a timer for 20 mins. Taking your spring cleaning list, and cutting it down into bite size chunks will make sure you don’t get overwhelmed. Always feels better to cross things off the to do even if just a tad slower. Second is to always ask for help if you’re overwhelmed.
Get family involved, hire help, never be ashamed! I love making lists, I then take those list and see who I can get to help and to delegate. That way I don’t feel like it all falls on my shoulders. That’s a sure way to feel overwhelmed and to not start.
I like to start in my closet, starting there in a place that affects my day to day really makes a difference. Then each day I feel that boost of energy to keep going. Once you done your edit, and actually made those donations (we know they can sit around sometimes-you’re not alone!) then sticking to the one in, one out rule of thumb is key!”
Ryen Toft is a San Diego native and founder of Simply Luxe, an organizing company that aims to help people declutter their lives and regain their time. She has a background in estate management for elite homes in the San Diego area.
“When we declutter, donate, and let go of things that are no longer serving us, we open up opportunities to change, invite new possibilities, and create a home we deserve.“
Karen Windholz, founder of Sort Toss Repeat, says:
“Spring is an exciting time to clean, declutter and organize our homes. The most important thing to consider is to adopt the mindset of letting go of everything that is no longer serving you and your family.
When we declutter, donate, and let go of things that are no longer serving us, we open up opportunities to change, invite new possibilities, and create a home we deserve. Creating organizing systems in your home this spring can start with as small as decluttering the junk drawer or as big as taking control of your closet.
Set a time and date in your calendar to accomplish your organizing goal of the day. If you are doing this alone, I highly recommend putting on your AirPods and listening to your favorite podcast, audio book, or your favorite music.
You will be amazed how much you accomplish by setting a goal, clear expectations, and having some fun while doing it. Once you start organizing you won’t want to stop.”
Karen Windholz is the creator of Sort Toss Repeat, a professional organizing firm in Northern Virginia helping clients create accessible, beautiful, and functional organizing systems that are life-changing. She loves creating homes that support the client’s lifestyle, and optimize the space available.
I hope these expert tips from pro organizers inspire you to tackle your spring cleaning with confidence this year!
Remember to start small, and focus on high-impact areas. To avoid burnout, don’t be afraid to ask for help! Having an extra set of hands always makes things more fun!
Have you got spring reorganizing on your mind? Be sure to leave a comment below and let us know– I’d love to hear about your spring cleaning projects, and tips for how you tackle them at home!
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